Text Amendment R-1/R-2 - No Hooved Animals in Platted Subdivisions





Notice is hereby given that the Rock Creek Planning Commission will conduct a public hearing Monday May 20, 2024 at 7PM at the Rock Creek City Center.


The purpose of this public hearing is to review the following text amendments:


Section 1000.07: R-1 Residential District,

Subd. 4: Interim Uses.

A. Agricultural Activities.


a. Hooved Animals Not Allowed in Platted Subdivisions


Section 1000.08: R-2 Residential District,

Subd. 2: Permitted Uses.

F.   Continuance of existing Agricultural Activities, prior to the adoption of this Ordinance.


a. Hooved Animals Not Allowed in Platted Subdivisions


Interested persons are encouraged to offer testimony by:

Email at:         arauschnot@cityofrockcreek.org 

Mail at:            City of Rock Creek

7000 State Hwy 70

Pine City, MN 55063


The Planning Commission shall hold their regular meeting immediately following the public hearings.


Ashley Rauschnot

Deputy Clerk

City of Rock Creek